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Crystal structure change of katoite, Ca$$_{3}$$Al$$_{2}$$(O$$_{4}$$D$$_{4}$$)$$_{3}$$, with temperature at high pressure

Kyono, Atsushi*; Kato, Masato*; Sano, Asami   ; Machida, Shinichi*; Hattori, Takanori   

To reveal the decomposition mechanism with temperature under high-pressure, crystal structure of a hydrogrossular, katoite Ca$$_{3}$$Al$$_{2}$$(O$$_{4}$$D$$_{4}$$)$$_{3}$$ has been studied by in-situ neutron diffraction at 8 GPa. Although unusual expansion behavior was discerned at 200-400$$^circ$$C, the unit cell was continuously expanded up to 850$$^circ$$C. At 900$$^circ$$C, katoite was decomposed, indicating that pressure strongly increases dehydration temperature from 300$$^circ$$C to 900$$^circ$$C. On release of pressure, the katoite reappear together with corundum and portlandite. At 8 GPa, CaO$$_{8}$$ and AlO$$_{6}$$ polyhedra expand with temperature up to 850$$^circ$$C by about 8% and 13%, respectively. On the other hand, tetrahedral interstices are isotopically squeezed by about 10%: due to the expansion of above polyhedra. The neighboring D-D distance remains almost unchanged in this temperature range, while the O-D bond distance shrinks drastically just before decomposition. This finding suggests that the shortening of O-D distance caused by the D-D repulsion destabilizes the O-D bond, which induces the thermal decomposition of katoite.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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