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 年 ~ 

The Behaviour of materials in case of solidified absorber melt - oxidized BWR channel box interaction revealed after CLADS-MADE-01 test

Pshenichnikov, A. ; 倉田 正輝 ; 永江 勇二 ; 山崎 宰春

Pshenichnikov, A.; Kurata, Masaki; Nagae, Yuji; Yamazaki, Saishun

The paper summarizes the first results of a thorough SEM investigation uncovering the process of channel box wall penetration by Fe-Cr-Ni-B containing melt. The preliminary oxidation of channel box is shown to play an important role on severe accident progression resulted in the suppression of channel box massive destruction. Only one small droplet came out to the other side of channel box. The mechanism of local beginning of oxide layer destruction with subsequent Zircaloy-4 channel box penetration is under discussion.



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