Numerical experiments by saturated-unsaturated flow inversion for permeability and boundary conditions of multi-layers aquifer
Inoue, Junya ; Masumoto, Kiyoshi*
Saturated-unsaturated flow inversion program with adjoint method and least norm method was made to estimate saturated hydraulic conductivity and boundary conditions for multi-layers heterogeneous aquifer model. Vertical two dimensional numerical experiments assuming inclined ground consisting of three layers with different permeability were carried out using this program. Some inversion were carried out by changing the coefficient of least norm term to investigate the strength of constraints on the un-known parameters based on the reference value. The result show that it is possible to estimate the unique value of saturated hydraulic conductivity and boundary conditions for multi-layers heterogeneous aquifer model by the method.
- Registration No. : AA20180519
- JAEA Abstracts No. : 47000646
- Paper Submission No. : 21278
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