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Report No.

Study on loss-of-cooling and loss-of-coolant accidents in spent fuel pool, 7; Analysis on effectiveness of spray cooling by the SAMPSON code

Suzuki, Hiroaki*; Morita, Yoshihiro*; Naito, Masanori*; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki  ; Nagatake, Taku ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  

In this paper, modification of the SAMPSON code was carried out to enable the analysis of spray cooling. The SAMPSON analysis of a spray cooling experiment was performed to confirm reproducibility of spray cooling behavior of fuel claddings. The modified SAMPSON code was applied to a hypothetical loss-of-coolant accident analysis of the SFP. Effectiveness of spray cooling on cladding temperature behavior was investigated. The SAMPSON analysis showed that spraying from the top of the SFP was effective for cooling the fuel assemblies exposed to the gas phase.



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