Experimental determination of the photooxidation of aqueous I
as a source of atmospheric I
渡辺 耕助*; 松田 晶平
; Cuevas, C. A.*; Saiz-Lopez, A.*; 薮下 彰啓*; 中野 幸夫*
Watanabe, Kosuke*; Matsuda, Shohei; Cuevas, C. A.*; Saiz-Lopez, A.*; Yabushita, Akihiro*; Nakano, Yukio*
The photooxidation of aqueous iodide ions (I
) at sea surface results in the emission of gaseous iodine molecules (I
) into the atmosphere. It plays a certain role in the transport of iodine from ocean to the atmosphere in the natural cycle of iodine. In this study, we determined the photooxidation parameters, the molar absorption coefficient (
)) and the photooxidative quantum yields (
)) of I
, in the range of 290-500 nm. Through the investigation of the influence of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on 
), the subsequent emission rates of I
following the photooxidation of I
in deionized water solution (pH 5.6, DO 7.8 mg L
) and artificial seawater solution (pH 8.0, DO 7.0 mg L
) were estimated. A global chemistry-climate model employed herein to assess the I
ocean emission on a global scale indicated that the photooxidation of I
by solar light can enhance the atmospheric iodine budget by up to
8% over some oceanic regions.