※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on analysis method for inert gas behavior in liquid metal flow with considering dissolution and entrainment at free surface

松下 健太郎 ; 伊藤 啓*; 江連 俊樹 ; 田中 正暁  

Matsushita, Kentaro; Ito, Kei*; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki


In the design study on a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), a numerical simulation code named SYRENA has been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency to analyze the behavior of gas bubbles and/or dissolved gas in the primary coolant system. In the present study, the effect of the non-condensable gas entrainment at the free surface on the bubble and the dissolved gas behavior in the primary coolant system were investigated for a typical pool type reactor, and also effect of a dipped-plate (D/P) installed below the free surface in the reactor vessel to suppress the gas bubble entrainment into the primary coolant system was especially investigated. It was clarified that the D/P was influential to the non-condensable gas behavior and the molar flow rate of gas bubbles in the primary coolant system varies depending on the relationship between the gas entrainment rate at the free surface and the exchange flow rate through the D/P.



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