※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Measurement of nuclide production cross section for lead and bismuth with proton in energy range from 0.4 GeV to 3.0 GeV


松田 洋樹  ; 明午 伸一郎   ; 岩元 大樹   ; 前川 藤夫  

Matsuda, Hiroki; Meigo, Shinichiro; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Maekawa, Fujio


For the Accelerator-Driven nuclear transmutation System (ADS), nuclide production yield estimation in the lead-bismuth target is important to manage the target. However, experimental data of nuclide production yield by spallation and high-energy fission reactions are scarce. In order to obtain the experimental data, we experimented in J-PARC using $$^{mathrm{nat}}$$Pb and $$^{mathrm{209}}$$Bi samples. The samples were irradiated with protons at various kinematic energy points between 0.4 and 3.0 GeV. After the irradiation, the nuclide production cross section over $$^{mathrm{7}}$$Be to $$^{mathrm{183}}$$Re was obtained by spectroscopic measurement of decay gamma-rays from the samples with HPGe detectors. The present experimental results were compared with the evaluated data (JENDL-HE/2007) and the calculation with the PHITS code and the INCL++ code. The present experiment data showed consistency with other experimental data with better accuracy than other ones. In reactions to produce light nuclides, JENDL and calculation with the PHITS and INCL++ for $$^{mathrm{7}}$$Be production agreed with the data.$$^{mathrm{22}}$$Na production, however, underestimated about 1/10 times. For middle to heavy nuclide productions cases, both calculations agreed with the experiment by a factor of two. JENDL showed lower energy having a maximum value of excitation function maximal value than the experimental data.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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