※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Biosurface properties and lead adsorption in a clone of ${it Sphagnum palustre}$ (Mosses); Towards a unified protocol of biomonitoring of airborne heavy metal pollution

分枝系オオミズゴケによる鉛の吸着とバイオサーフェス特性; 空気中重金属汚染に対する統一的なバイオモニタリングの手順確立に向けて

Di Palma, A.; Gonz$'a$lez, A. G.*; Adamo, P.*; Giordano, S.*; Reski, R.*; Pokrovsky, O. S.*

Di Palma, A.; Gonz$'a$lez, A. G.*; Adamo, P.*; Giordano, S.*; Reski, R.*; Pokrovsky, O. S.*

In this work we used field- and laboratory-grown S. palustre moss treated by EDTA and devitalized by oven drying, to elaborate a consistent procedure of metal and proton adsorption on moss surfaces and a biomonitoring protocol using cloned moss. Devitalization and EDTA treatments did not produce any measurable difference in terms of H$$^{+}$$ and Pb$$^{2+}$$ adsorption capacities of moss surfaces. Therefore, in view of the use of S. palustre clone for biomonitoring purposes, we recommend devitalization as unique treatment to perform with the aim to preserve the biomaterial before and after its exposure in bags.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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