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Report No.

Dose reduction measure in exchange work of valves used for agitation of highly active liquid waste in storage tank

Isozaki, Naohiko ; Morimoto, Kenji; Furukawa, Ryuichi; Tsuboi, Masatoshi; Yada, Yuji; Miyoshi, Ryuta; Uchida, Toyomi; Ikezawa, Kazumi*; Kurosawa, Kenji*

Highly active liquid waste, which is generated by the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, is stored in storage tank of Tokai Reprocessing Plant until it is vitrified. The waste solution in the tank is periodically agitated to avoid the precipitation of insoluble residues during the storage. Three way valves and ball valves have been located at the tank for agitation. Radiation dose rate at the valve location is high and operator's radiation exposure become a problem. Therefore, measures to reduce radiation exposure are performed and reported in this presentation.



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