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Verification of the highest potential transmissivity of a fault-zone fracture by injection tests using a conventional packer system and analysis of hydromechanical responses

石井 英一   

Ishii, Eiichi


Major conductive fault-zone fractures already involve the network of flow paths developed by past shear-induced dilation, and therefore the transmissivities are inferred to no longer increase significantly even if shear failure newly occurs within those fractures. This study verifies this inference by injection tests for a fault-zone fracture in mudstone which was detected as a flow anomaly by flowing-fluids electric conductivity logging in a borehole at the Horonobe area, Japan. The tests applied a new method where shear displacement along the fault-zone fracture during injection is monitored by measuring pressures of conventional straddle-sliding-packers. For the fracture, the tests yielded a fast slip ($$>$$ 0.04-0.05 mm/s) following a slow slip ($$>$$ 0.001 mm/s), reduction of shear strength and fracture normal stiffness after those slips, and irreversible shear displacement of $$>$$ 0.40-0.47 mm after injection. Comparing the transmissivities of the fracture before and after these shear slips shows no significant difference. These results suggest that the transmissivities of fully conductive fault-zone fractures are unlikely to significantly increase further even if the fractures reactivate, which supports the previous empirical model to estimate the highest potential transmissivities of fault-zone fractures from the rock strength and stress condition.



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