※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Approach to analysis of hydrogen combustion inside of radioactive waste vessels using CFD softwares based on an open source "OpenFOAM"


Thwe Thwe, A.  ; 寺田 敦彦  ; 日野 竜太郎

Thwe Thwe, A.; Terada, Atsuhiko; Hino, Ryutaro


Since hydrogen is continuously generated and releases inside of high-level radioactive waste vessels, the awareness must be taken on the risk of hydrogen combustion and explosion. In hydrogen safety management, besides the experimental investigations, CFD approaches in predictions of flame propagation phenomena are of important role. As an approach to analysis of hydrogen combustion inside of vessels, we used the open source software, OpenFOAM and performed the simulations for propagation of H$$_{2}$$-air premixed flame. A new laminar flame speed model deduced from H$$_{2}$$-air explosion experiments by T. Katsumi et al. [Nagaoka Univ. Tech.] was implemented in the XiFoam solver and reproduced the propagation of H$$_{2}$$-air flame. Flame radius obtained by simulation agreed with the experimental results within 0.005s. Wrinkle flame formation was observed when the flame propagated outwardly as in experiments.



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