Reliability enhancement of seismic risk assessment of NPP; Study on standardization of seismic response analysis method of reactor building using three-dimensional model
原子力施設の地震リスク評価の信頼性向上に関する研究; 三次元詳細モデルを用いた原子炉建屋の地震応答解析手法の標準化への取り組み
西田 明美 ; 崔 炳賢 ; 塩見 忠彦; Li, Y.
Nishida, Akemi; Choi, B.; Shiomi, Tadahiko; Li, Y.
With the development of computational methods in engineering and advanced computer technologies, three-dimensional modeling based on actual shapes are possible in structural analysis; in recent years, this method has been utilized in various applications, such as stress and response analyses. Such three-dimensional detailed models are also expected to be used in reactor buildings for seismic response analysis. However, the quality of the three-dimensional model depends on the analyst, and confirming the validity of the obtained result is a challenge because of the difficulty of performing full scale experiments for the reactor building. Based on these situations, JAEA has started the R&D to standardize the method of constructing the three-dimensional model of the reactor building. The outline of this standardization approach is shown in this presentation.