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Development of two-mirror multi-pass laser system to reduce laser power for laser stripping injection at J-PARC 3-GeV RCS

J-PARC 3-GeVシンクロトロンにおけるレーザー荷電変換入射実現のためレーザー強度を低減できる2ミラーのマルチパスレーザー照射システムの開発

Saha, P. K.   ; 原田 寛之  ; 金正 倫計  ; 佐藤 篤*; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*

Saha, P. K.; Harada, Hiroyuki; Kinsho, Michikazu; Sato, Atsushi*; Yoneda, Hitoki*; Michine, Yurina*

In the 3-GeV RCS of J-PARC, a laser stripping of 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ (negative hydrogen) to proton for charge-exchange injection (CEI) is under studied. The aim is to overcome the issues and limitations associated with a stripper foil used for that purpose. To reduce the laser power, which is one of the main issues with laser stripping, we consider a two mirror multi-pass laser system for multiple interactions of the H$$^{-}$$ beam with reflected laser light. The seed laser energy can be significantly reduced, which is almost inversely proportional number of interactions. At present we are developing such a cavity with Nd:YAG laser for H$$^{-}$$ neutralization to H$$^{0}$$, which will be first tested for 3 MeV H$$^{-}$$ beam at J-PARC RFQ test facility. Once the system is developed for the 3-MeV H$$^{-}$$, it can be easily applied for the 400 MeV H$$^{-}$$ stripping. The development status of the laser system and details of experimental strategies are presented.



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