※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Non-energy applications of nuclear and radiation science in Japan; A Review

日本における放射線利用; 概要

深堀 智生  ; 中山 真一 

Fukahori, Tokio; Nakayama, Shinichi

日本は原子力によって大規模なエネルギーを供給しているが、それは、当然のことながら、さまざまな核科学・放射線科学およびそれらの関連技術に支えられている。講演では、日本における放射線利用の発展の歴史を振り返ったあと、現在の状況、つまり工業利用, 環境分野での利用, 医学治療, 計測, 農学での利用を紹介する。最後に、現在進行中の新しい技術について触れる。

Japan has produced very large quantities of power through nuclear energy production, which of course, has been underlain by various nuclear and radiation sciences and related technologies. Nuclear and radiation science has also been applied to a wide variety of non-energy fields. After giving a short history of the development of non-energy applications of nuclear and radiation science in Japan, current applications will also be reviewed. These applications will include: industrial and environmental topics, medical therapy and diagnosis, measurements based on characteristics of different types of radiation including non-destructive assay, and investigations using tracer and genetic mutation in agricultural science. On-going research to develop potential non-energy applications for the future is also presented.



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