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Report No.

Quantitative analysis of Zr adsorbed on IDA chelating resin using Micro-PIXE

Arai, Yoichi  ; Watanabe, So  ; Ono, Shimpei; Nomura, Kazunori  ; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Kubota, Toshio*

Radioactive spent solvent waste contains U and Pu is generated from reprocessing process of spent nuclear fuel. The nuclear materials should be removed from the solvent for safety storage or disposal. We are focusing on the nuclear materials recovery from spent solvent using imino diacetic acid (IDA) type chelating resin as a promising method. In order to reveal adsorbed amount of Zr, which is simulated of Pu, Micro-Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) was carried out. Micro-PIXE analysis succeeded in quantitative analysis on trace amount of adsorbed Zr from simulated spent solvent.



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