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Report No.

Element-specific density of states of Co$$_{2}$$MnGe revealed by resonant photoelectron spectroscopy

Kono, Takashi*; Kakoki, Masaaki*; Yoshikawa, Tomoki*; Wang, X.*; Sumida, Kazuki*; Miyamoto, Koji*; Muro, Takayuki*; Takeda, Yukiharu   ; Saito, Yuji  ; Goto, Kazuki*; Sakuraba, Yuya*; Hono, Kazuhiro*; Kimura, Akio*

Resonant photoelectron spectroscopy at the Co and Mn 2${it p}$ core absorption edges of half-metallic Co$$_{2}$$MnGe has been performed to determine the element-specific density of states (DOS). A significant contribution of the Mn 3${it d}$ partial DOS near the Fermi level ($$E_{F}$$) was clarified by measurement at the Mn 2${it p}$ absorption edge. Further analysis by first-principles calculation revealed that it has $$t_{2g}$$ symmetry, which must be responsible for the electrical conductivity along the line perpendicular to the film plane. The dominant normal Auger contribution observed at the Co 2${it p}$ absorption edge indicates delocalization of photoexcited Co 3${it d}$ electrons. The difference in the degrees of localization of the Mn 3${it d}$ and Co 3${it d}$ electrons in Co$$_{2}$$MnGe is explained by the first-principles calculation.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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