Raman characterization of the simulated control blade debris to understand the boric compounds transformations during severe accidents
Pshenichnikov, A. ; 永江 勇二 ; 倉田 正輝
Pshenichnikov, A.; Nagae, Yuji; Kurata, Masaki
In order to address the challenge of the future Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) debris characterization a new Raman spectroscopy investigation of simulated debris obtained after two control blade degradation tests CLADS-MADE-01 and CLADS-MADE-02 has been performed. A mechanism of the BC degradation during the beginning phase of a severe accident until approximately 1873 K is described. A sequence of material interactions of BC with stainless steel resulted in partial transformation of BC granules into pure graphite, that later experienced oxidation with formation of COx gas. Especially this mechanism is active during melting phase in oxidative environment. At the same time boron was associated with formation of new Cr-B-containing solid phases in liquid melt, that continued relocation depleted by Cr and B, which resulted in redistribution of elements within the degrading reactor core. This knowledge would provide new insights for understanding of the absorber blade degradation mechanism under specific accident conditions close to 1F Unit 2 and Unit 3 reactors and especially would be helpful during potential characterization of metallic debris of 1F.