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On the degradation progression of a BWR control blade under high-temperature steam-starved conditions

Pshenichnikov, A. ; 永江 勇二 ; 倉田 正輝 

Pshenichnikov, A.; Nagae, Yuji; Kurata, Masaki

High-temperature control blade degradation tests simulating a beginning phase of a severe accident in BWRs has been comprehensively performed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In the latest test, a mock-up of BWR bundle material has been investigated under postulated Fukushima Dai-Ichi (1F) Unit 2 accident conditions in a complex heating transient scenario including a phase of lack of available steam. The progress in control blade degradation was monitored with help of an in situ video and the detailed analysis of the solidified metallic melt, so-called metallic debris, was carried out by conventional SEM and XRD methods. These results indicated that the composition of the metallic debris at different elevations has been significantly changed due to the redistribution and relocation of steel elements under the influence of B and C, sometimes accompanied by a formation of high-melting-point layers. The results of this paper significantly contribute to the physical understanding of control blade degradation phenomenology during beginning phase of a core degradation for a special case of steam-starved conditions at 1F Unit 2.



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