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Quarkonium radiative decays from the Hadronic Paschen-Back effect


鈴木 渓   

Suzuki, Kei


We study the radiative (E1 and M1) decays of P-wave quarkonia in a strong magnetic field based on the Lagrangian of potential nonrelativistic QCD. To investigate their properties, we implement a polarized wave function basis justified in the Paschen-Back limit. In a magnetic field stronger than the spin-orbit coupling, the wave functions of the P-wave quarkonia are drastically deformed by the Hadronic Paschen-Back effect. Such deformation leads to the anisotropy of the direction of decays from the P-wave quarkonia. The analytic formulas for the radiative decay widths in the nonrelativistic limit are shown, and the qualitative decay properties are discussed.



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