Impact simulations on local damage of reinforced concrete panel influenced by projectile nose shape
Kang, Z.
; 西田 明美
; 奥田 幸彦
; 坪田 張二; Li, Y. 
Kang, Z.; Nishida, Akemi; Okuda, Yukihiko; Tsubota, Haruji; Li, Y.
Most impact research has been presented on the basis of impact tests and numerical analysis performed by rigid projectile impact perpendicular to the target structure. On the other hand, there are only few reports on impacts at an oblique angle. To evaluate more realistic conditions regarding issues related to oblique impacts to reinforced concrete (RC) structures, we have proposed an analytical method to estimate the local damage to RC structures by an oblique impact and have validated the evaluation approach by comparison with experimental results. At present, we have finalized simulation analyses of oblique impact assessments on RC panels using rigid/soft projectiles with a flat nose shape utilizing the validated approach. Furthermore, in this study, we focus on impacts caused by rigid/soft projectiles with a hemispherical nose shape. The same analytical method is applied to simulate the structural damage caused by an RC panel due to a rigid/soft projectile with a hemispherical nose shape. Results on the penetration depth of the RC structure and the energy-contribution ratio are presented. By comparing the results of local damage to an RC structure caused by projectiles with flat and hemispherical nose shapes, the influence of the nose shape of the projectile on local damage of the RC panel has been investigated.