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Report No.

Decontamination simulation and future prediction of air dose rate in difficult to return zone in Fukushima Prefecture

Yamashita, Takuya; Sawada, Noriyoshi*

In order to support the decontamination activities proceeded by the national government and municipalities in terms of technology, we have developed a simulation system "RESET" which predicts the effect of decontamination. We also developed a "two-component model" for the purpose of predicting long-term changes in the air dose rate. We use these tools to perform decontamination simulation and predictive analysis of the air dose rate after decontamination, and provide information to the national government and municipalities aiming for reconstruction. In this report, the verification result of the prediction methods implemented using actual measurement data obtained in the "Decontamination model demonstration project in difficult-to-return zone" and "Survey result on transition of air dose rate after decontamination model demonstration project" conducted by Ministry of the Environment. In addition, the decontamination simulation conducted for the entire difficult-to-return area and the results of future prediction of the air dose rate after decontamination are shown.



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