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Survey of computational methods of cross sections for thermal neutron scattering by liquids


市原 晃 

Ichihara, Akira


Toward the revision of JENDL-4.0, we conducted a literature survey on how to compute the cross section of thermal neutrons scattered by a liquid. This report summarizes the computational methods for evaluating thermal neutron cross sections with molecular dynamics simulations. The cross section can be expressed with a function called as scattering law. For light and heavy water, the scattering law data instead of the cross sections have been provided in nuclear databases. In this report we review the formulations of the scattering laws. The scattering laws can be derived from both the intermediate scattering function and the space-time correlation function. Features of the derived scattering laws are briefly explained. It is shown that the scattering law data can be evaluated using a molecular dynamics simulation of the liquid that is the target of thermal neutrons.



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