※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Study on chemical form of tritium in coolant helium of high temperature gas-cooled reactor with tritium production device


濱本 真平  ; 石塚 悦男   ; 中川 繁昭  ; 後藤 実  ; 松浦 秀明*; 片山 一成*; 大塚 哲平*; 飛田 健次*

Hamamoto, Shimpei; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Goto, Minoru; Matsuura, Hideaki*; Katayama, Kazunari*; Otsuka, Teppei*; Tobita, Kenji*


Impurity concentrations of hydrogen and hydride in the coolant were investigated in detail for the HTTR, a block type high-temperature gas reactor owned by Japan. As a result, it was found that CH$$_{4}$$ was 1/10 of H$$_{2}$$ concentration, which was under the conventional detection limit. If the ratio of H$$_{2}$$ to CH$$_{4}$$ in the coolant is the same as the ratio of HT to CH$$_{3}$$T, the CH$$_{3}$$T has a larger dose conversion factor, and this compositional ratio is an important finding for the optimal dose evaluation. Further investigation of the origin of CH$$_{4}$$ suggested that CH$$_{4}$$ was produced as a result of a thermal equilibrium reaction rather than being released as an impurity from the core.



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