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Report No.

Development of prediction accuracy of low energy electron degradation on displacement damage method for next generation AlInGaP space solar cells

Okuno, Yasuki; Imaizumi, Mitsuru*; Akiyoshi, Masafumi*

For space solar cells, a displacement damage dose (DDD) method is currently being constructed for prediction by radiation degradation. As a next-generation space solar cell, InGaP solar cell, which is the top subcell of the InGaP / GaAs / Ge-3 junction type (3J) solar cell, is considered to replace with AlInGaP solar cell. In previous studies, it was reported that the threshold energy (Ed) of P in InP-based solar cell differs by depending on material. Since Ed affects the degradation prediction in the case of incidention of a low energy particle beam, we analyzed the Ed which enables highly accurate of the degradation prediction in AlInGaP solar cells under low energy electron beam irradiation.



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