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Report No.

Beam commissioning of muon beamline using negative hydrogen ions generated by ultraviolet light

Nakazawa, Yuga*; Bae, S.*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; Iijima, Toru*; Iinuma, Hiromi*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Kitamura, Ryo   ; Kim, B.*; Ko, H. S.*; Kondo, Yasuhiro   ; Mibe, Tsutomu*; Otani, Masashi*; Razuvaev, G. P.*; Saito, Naohito; Sue, Yuki*; Won, E.*; Yamazaki, Takayuki*; Yasuda, Hiromasa*

A muon linac is under development for the precise measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment ($$g$$-2) and electric dipole moment (EDM) with a reaccelerated thermal muon beam. An H$$^-$$ source driven by an ultraviolet light has been developed for the muon acceleration experiment. Prior to the acceleration experiment, a beamline commissioning was performed using this H$$^-$$ beam, since the accelerated muon intensity is very low. We successfully measured the magnetic rigidity, which is essential for identifying the accelerated muons. This H$$^-$$ source is capable of utilizing as a general-purpose beam source for other beamline.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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