※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Spontaneous generation of spin current from the vacuum by strong electric fields


Huang, X.-G.*; 松尾 衛; 田屋 英俊*

Huang, X.-G.*; Matsuo, Mamoru; Taya, Hidetoshi*

We discuss spontaneous spin current generation from the vacuum by strong electric fields as a result of interplay between the Schwinger mechanism and a spin-orbit coupling. By considering a homogeneous slow strong electric field superimposed by a fast weak transverse electric field, we explicitly evaluate the vacuum expectation value of a spin current (the Bargmann-Wigner spin current) by numerically solving the Dirac equation. We show that a non-vanishing spin current polarized in the direction perpendicular to the electric fields flows mostly in the longitudinal direction. We also find that a relativistic effect due to helicity conservation affects the direction/polarization of a spin current.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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