Development of high repetitive laser pulse system for charge exchange process of hydrogen beam in J-PARC
渕 葵*; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 原田 寛之 ; Saha, P. K. ; 佐藤 篤*; 柴田 崇統*; 金正 倫計
Fuchi, Aoi*; Yoneda, Hitoki*; Michine, Yurina*; Harada, Hiroyuki; Saha, P. K.; Sato, Atsushi*; Shibata, Takanori*; Kinsho, Michikazu
In the J-PARC as high-intensity proton accelerator, beam injection into a synchrotron uses for charge exchange process from hydrogen to proton. For higher intensity beam, we study laser development and POP experiment for charge exchange by using laser. In our method, we consider doppler shift and multi process of electron stripping. Therefore, we are developing high power laser and the 5th harmonics. In order to reduce laser power, we must increase the utilization rate of laser. So, we develop multi-pass cavity and beam shaper. In our presentation, we will report about a status of high-repetition laser and optics devices under developing.