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Origin of the large ferroelectric polarization enhancement under high pressure for multiferroic DyMnO$$_{3}$$ studied by polarized and unpolarized neutron diffraction


寺田 典樹*; Qureshi, N.*; Stunault, A.*; Enderle, M.*; Ouladdiaf, B.*; Colin, C. V.*; Khalyavin, D. D.*; Manuel, P.*; Orlandi, F.*; 宮原 慎*; Prabhakaran, D.*; 長壁 豊隆  

Terada, Noriki*; Qureshi, N.*; Stunault, A.*; Enderle, M.*; Ouladdiaf, B.*; Colin, C. V.*; Khalyavin, D. D.*; Manuel, P.*; Orlandi, F.*; Miyahara, Shin*; Prabhakaran, D.*; Osakabe, Toyotaka

We have determined the magnetic structures in high pressure phase with the giant ferroelectric polarization in DyMnO$$_{3}$$. For Mn spins, the E-type magnetic ordering is stabilized above 4.0 GPa, which induces the giant ferroelectric polarization through the exchange striction effect. Furthermore, we have elucidate that the lattice distortion generated through the exchange striction for the Dy and Mn bonds can give the significant magnetic field enhancement of ferroelectric polarization in this system.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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