※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Laser control of magnonic topological phases in antiferromagnets

仲田 光樹   ; Kim, S. K.*; 高吉 慎太郎*

Nakata, Koki; Kim, S. K.*; Takayoshi, Shintaro*


We study the laser control of magnon topological phases induced by the Aharonov-Casher effect in insulating antiferromagnets (AFs). Since the laser electric field can be considered as a time-periodic perturbation, we apply the Floquet theory and perform the inverse frequency expansion by focusing on the high frequency region. Using the obtained effective Floquet Hamiltonian, we study nonequilibrium magnon dynamics away from the adiabatic limit and its effect on topological phenomena. This work enables us to control and design magnonic topological properties away from equilibrium.



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