※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

$$^{rm 208,207,206,nat}$$Pb(p,x)$$^{207}$$Bi and $$^{209}$$Bi(p,x)$$^{207}$$Bi excitation functions in the energy range of 0.04 - 2.6 GeV

$$^{rm 208,207,206,nat}$$Pb(p,x)$$^{207}$$Bi及び$$^{209}$$Bi(p,x)$$^{207}$$Bi反応に対するエネルギー範囲0.04 - 2.6GeVの励起関数

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Malinovskiy, S. V.*; Rogov, V. I.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Kulevoy, T. V.*; Chauzova, M. V.*; Lushin, S. V.*; Busygin, A. S.*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Alekseev, P. N.*; Blandinskiy, V. Yu.*; Kovalishin, A. A.*; Tyutyunnikov, S. I.*; Baldin, A. A.*; Sosnin, A. N.*; Baznat, M. I.*; Stankovskiy, A. Yu.*; Dubrouski, A. I.*; Kiyavitskaya, H. I.*; Xue, T.*; Tian, Y.*; Zheng, M.*; Zeng, Z.*; 佐藤 達彦   

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Malinovskiy, S. V.*; Rogov, V. I.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Kulevoy, T. V.*; Chauzova, M. V.*; Lushin, S. V.*; Busygin, A. S.*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Alekseev, P. N.*; Blandinskiy, V. Yu.*; Kovalishin, A. A.*; Tyutyunnikov, S. I.*; Baldin, A. A.*; Sosnin, A. N.*; Baznat, M. I.*; Stankovskiy, A. Yu.*; Dubrouski, A. I.*; Kiyavitskaya, H. I.*; Xue, T.*; Tian, Y.*; Zheng, M.*; Zeng, Z.*; Sato, Tatsuhiko

0.04から2.6GeVの陽子入射による$$^{rm 208,207,206,nat}$$Pb及び天然Biからの$$^{207}$$Bi生成断面積を直接$$gamma$$線スペクトロメトリの手法を用いて測定した。測定した結果は、モンテカルロ計算コードMCNP6.1, PHITS, Geant4及び核データライブラリTENDL-2019と比較した。その結果、一部の反応に対して計算と実験に不一致があることが分かり、その点について議論した。

The paper presents the $$^{207}$$Bi production cross-sections measured by the direct gamma-spectrometry technique in the samples of lead enriched with isotopes 208, 207 and 206, as well as in the samples of natural lead and bismuth, irradiated by protons of 11 energies in the range from 0.04 to 2.6 GeV. The obtained experimental results are compared with the previous measurements, with the TENDL-2019 data-library evaluations and the simulated data by means of the high-energy transport codes MCNP6.1 (CEM03.03), PHITS (INCL4.6/GEM), and Geant4 (INCL++/ABLA). The observed discrepancies between model predictions and experimental data are discussed.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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