Design and produce training-way system for crawler-type robots against nuclear emergency of JAEA facilities
椿 裕彦; 小泉 聡*
Tsubaki, Hirohiko; Koizumi, Satoshi*
Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment in Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development is the main part of the nuclear emergency response team of JAEA deal with Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. The section needs to train operators from every nuclear facility in JAEA to control crawler-type robots, and so on. A driving training of a crawler-type robot used a reciprocating passage (U-shaped passage look from above) is one of the important training programs. The section always assembled a reciprocating passage with borrowed parts from other sections for every training of being used the passage. The section designed and produced training-way system included a reciprocating passage with stairs in 2019 fiscal year. The system makes the section members labor-saving, possible to set any time for training and diverse training-ways with easy assembling system. This report shows design and produce training-way system for crawler-type robots against nuclear emergency of JAEA facilities by Maintenance and Operation Section for Remote Control Equipment.