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Report No.

Conformational ensemble of a multidomain protein explored by Gd$$^{3+}$$ electron paramagnetic resonance

Saio, Tomohide*; Hiramatsu, Soya*; Asada, Mizue*; Nakagawa, Hiroshi   ; Shimizu, Kazumi*; Kumeta, Hiroyuki*; Nakamura, Toshikazu*; Ishimori, Koichiro*

A rigid double-arm lanthanide tag was utilized in electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure the distance between two specific points on a protein, and conformational states and distribution of a multi-domain protein enzyme MurD was investigated. Although the previous crystallographic and NMR studies have reported the three distinct conformational states of MurD, our data unveiled that the protein exists in much more variety of conformational states in the absence of the ligand. Given the fact that MurD is one of the potent drug target for infectious diseases, the finding in this study will provide important structural basis for drug development.



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