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Report No.

JAEA-TDB-RN in 2020; Update of JAEA's thermodynamic database for solubility and speciation of radionuclides for performance assessment of geological disposal of high-level and TRU wastes

Kitamura, Akira  

Part of JAEA's Thermodynamic Database (JAEA-TDB) for solubility and speciation of radionuclides (JAEA-TDB-RN) for performance assessment of geological disposal of high-level radioactive and TRU wastes has been updated with subsuming the database for geochemical calculations (JAEA-TDB-GC). This report has focused to update JAEA-TDB-RN after selecting change in standard Gibbs free energy of formation ($$Delta_{rm r}$$$$G^{circ}_{rm m}$$), change in standard enthalpy change of formation ($$Delta$$$$H$$$$^{circ}$$$$_{rm m}$$), standard molar entropy ($$S^{circ}$$$$_{rm m}$$) and, heat capacity ($$C^{circ}_{rm p}$$), change in standard Gibbs free energy of reaction ($$Delta_{rm r}G^{circ}$$$$_{rm m}$$), change in standard enthalpy change of reaction ($$Delta$$$$_{rm r}$$$$H$$$$^{circ}$$$$_{rm m}$$) and standard entropy change of reaction ($$Delta_{rm r}S^{circ}_{rm m}$$) as well as logarithm of equilibrium constant (log$$_{10}$$$$K^{circ}$$) at standard state. The extent of selection of these thermodynamic data enables to evaluate solubility and speciation of radionuclides at temperatures other than 298.15 K. Furthermore, the latest thermodynamic data for iron which have been critically reviewed, selected and compiled by the Nuclear Energy Agency within Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) have been accepted. Most of previously selected log$$_{10}$$$$K^{circ}$$ have been refined to confirm internal consistency with JAEA-TDB-GC. Text files of the updated JAEA-TDB have been provided for geochemical calculation programs of PHREEQC and Geochemist's Workbench.



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