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CSNI leak-before-break benchmark; Summary of phase 1

CSNI破断前漏えいに関するベンチマーク; フェーズ1のまとめ

Tregoning, R.*; Wallace, J.*; Bouydo, A.*; Costa-Garrido, O.*; Dillstr$"o$m, P.*; Duan, X.*; Heckmann, K.*; Kim, Y.-B.*; Kim, Y.*; Kurth-Twombly, E.*; Kuutti, J.*; 真野 晃宏 ; Niffenegger, M.*; Oh, Y.-J.*; Samohyl, P.*; Singh, P. K.*; Yang, S.*

Tregoning, R.*; Wallace, J.*; Bouydo, A.*; Costa-Garrido, O.*; Dillstr$"o$m, P.*; Duan, X.*; Heckmann, K.*; Kim, Y.-B.*; Kim, Y.*; Kurth-Twombly, E.*; Kuutti, J.*; Mano, Akihiro; Niffenegger, M.*; Oh, Y.-J.*; Samohyl, P.*; Singh, P. K.*; Yang, S.*


Fourteen organizations, representing eleven countries, participated in a leak-before-break (LBB) benchmark exercise that compared results from analyses among participating countries and identified the effects of weld residual stress (WRS) and crack morphology on crack opening displacement (COD), critical bending moment (CBM), and leak rate (LR) results. The participants determined whether the initial problem would meet their country's LBB acceptance criteria and then evaluated the effects of crack morphology and WRS for a prescribed crack size, geometry and loading. Six out of fourteen participants indicated that the initial problem met their LBB requirements. In the follow-on tasks, differences among the participant's CBM predictions were principally due to the material properties used in the analysis while the type of failure model chosen contributed much less. Most of the differences in the LR predictions were directly attributable to differences among the COD models, but a portion was attributable to the treatment of crack face pressure (CFP). The benchmark identified several aspects of an LBB analysis that could support a more realistic evaluation.



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