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Report No.

The Impact of cement on argillaceous rocks in radioactive waste disposal systems; A Review focusing on key processes and remaining issues

Wilson, J.*; Bateman, K.; Tachi, Yukio  

The concept of deep geological disposal will include the multiple use of cement-based materials. In the case of argillaceous host rocks, the presence of hyperalkaline cement porefluid results in the destabilization of primary minerals in the argillite, resulting in the development of a zone of alteration at cement-rock interfaces. The process understanding gained from experimental, analogue, and modelling studies has been reviewed, and remaining areas of uncertainty identified. Although there is a reasonably good understanding of the mineral assemblages that are likely to occur due to cement-rock interactions, there are still some areas where a degree of uncertainty remains, in particular: the evolution of cement-argillite interfaces at T $$>$$ 25$$^{circ}$$C; the rates at which secondary minerals form; the extent of pore clogging due to secondary mineral precipitation; the implications of alteration for radionuclide transport.



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Category:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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