レーザー荷電変換による400MeV 原子からのDopplerシフトBalmer分光測定装置の開発・校正
Development and calibration of Doppler shifted Balmer lines photometry system for 400 MeV atoms generated by laser stripping
柴田 崇統*; 原田 寛之 ; Saha, P. K. ; 米田 仁紀*; 道根 百合奈*; 渕 葵*; 金正 倫計
Shibata, Takanori*; Harada, Hiroyuki; Saha, P. K.; Yoneda, Hitoki*; Michine, Yurina*; Fuchi, Aoi*; Kinsho, Michikazu
In order to further increase the intensity of the proton beam at J-PARC, we are planning a laser charge conversion test to convert the proton beam to protons nondestructively instead of the current carbon film. In the laser charge conversion process, we are considering a scenario in which neutral hydrogen is passed through excited . For this experiment, it is necessary to understand the energy levels of and its excitation efficiency. In this study, we are developing a spectroscopic measurement system to spectroscopically detect the light emitted from the excited . In this presentation, we will report on the development of the spectroscopic measurement system, which is important for laser charge conversion.