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Report No.

Electromagnetic transitions of the singly charmed baryons with spin 3/2

Kim, J.-Y.*; Kim, H.-C.*; Yang, G.-S.*; Oka, Makoto   

We investigate the electromagnetic transitions of the singly charmed baryons with spin 3/2, based on a pion mean-field approach, also known as the chiral quark-soliton model, taking into account the rotational $$1/N_c$$ corrections and the effects of flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking. We examine the valence- and sea-quark contributions to the electromagnetic transition form factors and find that the quadrupole form factors of the sea-quark contributions dominate over those of the valence-quark ones in the smaller $$Q^2$$ region, whereas the sea quarks only provide marginal contributions to the magnetic dipole transition form factors of the baryon sextet with spin 3/2. The effects of the flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking are in general very small except for the forbidden transition $$Xi_c^0 gamma to Xi^{* 0}_c$$ by $$U$$-spin symmetry. We also discuss the widths of the radiative decays for the baryon sextet with spin 3/2, comparing the present results with those from other works.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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