Benchmarking study on probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis codes xLPR and PASCAL-SP considering primary water stress corrosion cracking
Mano, Akihiro ; Katsuyama, Jinya ; Li, Y.
Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is expected as a more rational methodology for the structural integrity assessments of nuclear power components because it can consider the inherent probabilistic distributions of various influencing factors and quantitatively evaluate the failure probabilities of the components. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed a PFM analysis code, PASCAL-SP, to evaluate the failure probabilities of piping caused by aging degradation mechanisms, such as fatigue and stress corrosion cracking in the environments of both pressurized water and boiling water reactors. To improve confidence in the analysis results obtained from PASCAL-SP, a benchmarking study was conducted together with the PFM analysis code, xLPR, which was developed jointly by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Electric Power Research Institute. The benchmarking study was composed of deterministic and probabilistic analyses related to primary water stress corrosion cracking in a dissimilar metal weld joint in a pressurized water reactor surge line. The analyses were conducted independently by NRC staff and JAEA using their own codes and under common analysis conditions. In the present paper, the analysis conditions for the deterministic and probabilistic analyses are described in detail, and the analysis results obtained from the xLPR and PASCAL-SP codes are presented. It was confirmed that the analysis results obtained from the two codes were in good agreement.