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The Relationship between Fe influx into new leaf and downregulation of SUF machinery in Fe-deficient barley

樋口 恭子*; 佐々木 実莉*; 香取 摩耶*; 栗田 圭輔  ; 酒井 卓郎; 鈴井 伸郎*; 河地 有木*; 齋藤 彰宏*; 大山 卓爾*

Higuchi, Kyoko*; Sasaki, Minori*; Katori, Maya*; Kurita, Keisuke; Sakai, Takuro; Suzui, Nobuo*; Kawachi, Naoki*; Saito, Akihiro*; Oyama, Takuji*


Expression of genes involved in the Sulfur mobilization (SUF) machinery which assembles and inserts Fe-S clusters into client proteins in chloroplast is downregulated by depletion of Fe as a substrate. The pattern and timing of their downregulation are different among barley cultivars, and that difference seems to be related to the maintenance of Photosystem I under Fe-deficient condition. These characters of barley cultivars are, however, not always correlated with overall tolerance to Fe deficiency nor total Fe concentration of leaves. Thus, we investigated the relationship between Fe influx into new leaf and downregulation of SUF machinery in Fe-deficient barley.



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