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Report No.

Assessment of doses in contaminated urban areas; Modelling exercise based on Fukushima data

Takahara, Shogo  ; Charnock, T. W.*; Silva, K.*; Hwang, W. T.*; Lee, J.*; Yu, C.*; Kamboj, S.*; Yankovich, T.*; Thiessen, K. M.*

State-of-the-art dose assessment models were applied to estimate doses to the population in urban areas contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Assessment results were compared among five models, and comparisons of model predictions with actual measurements were also made. Assessments were performed using both probabilistic and deterministic approaches. Predicted dose distributions in indoor and outdoor workers from a probabilistic approach were in good agreement with the actual measurements. In addition, when the models were applied to assess the doses to a representative person, based on a concept suggested by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), it was evident that doses to the representative person obtained with a deterministic approach were always higher than those obtained with a probabilistic approach.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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