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 年 ~ 

Extraction and stripping of actinide elements with changes in supply flow rate and nitric acid concentration using centrifugal contactors in single cycle solvent extraction system


中原 将海; 野村 和則  

Nakahara, Masaumi; Nomura, Kazunori


Counter current experiments in a single cycle solvent extraction system were carried out with centrifugal contactors to study flow rate reductions in extraction solvent and stripping solution with a dissolver solution of irradiated mixed oxide fuel. Uranium and Pu leaked to the raffinate with a 15% decrease in the extraction solvent flow rate, which brought about an accumulation of U and Pu in the co-decontamination section. On the other hand, a 15% decrease in the stripping solution flow rate did not affect the stripping of U and Pu so greatly.



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分野:Engineering, Chemical



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