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Harmless treatment of radioactive liquid wastes for safe storage in systematic treatment of radioactive liquid waste for decommissioning project

中原 将海; 渡部 創; 粟飯原 はるか; 高畠 容子; 荒井 陽一; 小木 浩通*; 中村 雅弘; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Energy Beyond the Pandemic (GLOBAL 2022) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/07




小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一; 粟飯原 はるか; 渡部 創; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

JAEA-Technology 2021-007, 27 Pages, 2021/06


放射性物質取扱施設である高レベル放射性物質研究施設(CPF: Chemical Processing Facility)では、過去の試験や分析で発生した多種の廃液をホットセル及びグローブボックス内で保管してきた。2015年7月より、保管されている放射性廃液について、管理方法の適正化を図るべく、実廃液の安定化処理を進めている。また、分析廃液等の多種多様な試薬が混在する廃液については安定化処理が非常に困難であるため、大学等と共同でSTRAD(Systematic Treatments of Radioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning)プロジェクトを発足させ、処理技術の研究開発を進めている。これらの実績は、他の放射性物質取り扱い施設においても保管する廃液の処理をより効率的かつ安全に進められることが期待できる。本書は、CPFで安定化処理を実施した実廃液の処理方法及び処理状況に関して報告するものである。


Observation of Eu adsorption band in the CMPO/SiO$$_{2}$$-P column by neutron resonance absorption imaging

宮崎 康典; 渡部 創; 中村 雅弘; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 甲斐 哲也; Parker, J. D.*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011073_1 - 011073_7, 2021/03



Influence of plutonyl ion on electrochemical characterization of zirconium in plutonium nitrate solutions

中原 将海; 佐野 雄一; 野村 和則

Radiochimica Acta, 108(9), p.701 - 706, 2020/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

再処理施設におけるZr製のプルトニウム蒸発缶の腐食挙動を評価するために、Pu硝酸溶液を用いた電気化学試験によりPuO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$の影響を評価した。7mol dm$$^{-3}$$ HNO$$_{3}$$のPu硝酸溶液におけるZrの最大自然浸漬電位は約1Vであった。しかしながら、本試験条件下では高いPuO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$濃度においても重大な変化はみられず、Zrは高い耐食性を示した。


Microscopic analyses on Zr adsorbed IDA chelating resin by PIXE and EXAFS

荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 大野 真平; 野村 和則; 中村 文也*; 新井 剛*; 瀬古 典明*; 保科 宏行*; 羽倉 尚人*; 久保田 俊夫*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 477, p.54 - 59, 2020/08

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:59.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Used PUREX process solvent generated from reprocessing process of spent nuclear fuel contains a small amount of U and Pu complexed with tributyl phosphate (TBP) or dibutyl phosphate (DBP). The radioactive nuclides should be removed from the solvent for safety storage or disposal. The iminodiacetic acid (IDA) type chelating resin was proposed as promising procedures for efficient recovery of the trapped cations in the solvent. In order to reveal the distribution and amount of Zr in the particle and local structure of Zr complex formed in the adsorbent, PIXE and EXAFS analyses on the Zr adsorbed chelating resin were carried out. Micro-PIXE analysis proved that it is an effectual method for quantitative analysis of trace adsorbed elements. Moreover, some of the adsorption sites were possibly occupied by the molecules. On the other hand, Zr-K edge EXAFS analysis suggested that extraction mechanism of Zr from the aqueous solution and the solvent was different.


Quantitative analysis of Zr adsorbed on IDA chelating resin using Micro-PIXE

荒井 陽一; 渡部 創; 大野 真平; 野村 和則; 中村 文也*; 新井 剛*; 瀬古 典明*; 保科 宏行*; 久保田 俊夫*

QST-M-23; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2018, P. 59, 2020/03

Radioactive spent solvent waste contains U and Pu is generated from reprocessing process of spent nuclear fuel. The nuclear materials should be removed from the solvent for safety storage or disposal. We are focusing on the nuclear materials recovery from spent solvent using imino diacetic acid (IDA) type chelating resin as a promising method. In order to reveal adsorbed amount of Zr, which is simulated of Pu, Micro-Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) was carried out. Micro-PIXE analysis succeeded in quantitative analysis on trace amount of adsorbed Zr from simulated spent solvent.


Improvement in flow-sheet of extraction chromatography for trivalent minor actinides recovery

渡部 創; 先崎 達也; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 竹内 正行; 中谷 清治*; 松浦 治明*; 堀内 勇輔*; 新井 剛*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 322(3), p.1273 - 1277, 2019/12

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:43.78(Chemistry, Analytical)

Extraction chromatography flow-sheet employing octyl(phenyl)-$$N,N$$-diisobutylcarbonoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) and $$bis$$(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (HDEHP) extractants for trivalent minor actinide recovery was modified to improve column separation performance. Excellent trivalent minor actinides recovery performance was obtained by column separation experiments on nitric acid solution containing the trivalent minor actinides and representative fission product elements, i.e. recovery yields $$>$$ 93% with sufficient decontamination factors against the fission products. Those are the best performance which we have ever obtained by experiments inside hot cell.


STRAD project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes generated in nuclear facilities

渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一; 粟飯原 はるか; 高畠 容子; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 神谷 裕一*; 浅沼 徳子*; 松浦 治明*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 117, p.103090_1 - 103090_8, 2019/11


 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:78.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A new collaborative research project for systematic treatments of radioactive liquid wastes containing various reagents generating in nuclear facilities was started from 2018 initiated by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The project was named as STRAD (Systematic Treatments of RAdioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning) project. Tentative targets to be studied under the project are aqueous and organic liquid wastes which have been generated by experiments and analyses in a reprocessing experimental laboratory of JAEA. Currently fundamental studies for treatments of the liquid wastes with complicated compositions are underway. In the STRAD project, process flow for treatment of ammonium ion involved in aqueous waste was designed though the inactive experiments, and decomposition of ammonium ion using catalysis will be carried out soon. Adsorbents for recovery of U and Pu from spent solvent were also developed. Demonstration experiments on genuine spent solvent is under planning.


Stabilization processing of hazardous and radioactive liquid wastes derived from advanced aqueous separation experiments for safety handling and management of waste

中原 将海; 渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一; 粟飯原 はるか; 本山 李沙; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 梶並 昭彦*

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.66 - 70, 2019/09



Waste management in a Hot Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2; Condensation and solidification experiments on liquid waste

渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

International Journal of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (Internet), 13(4), p.169 - 174, 2019/04



Waste management in a Hot Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 3; Volume reduction and stabilization of solid waste

中原 将海; 渡部 創; 小木 浩通*; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

International Journal of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (Internet), 13(4), p.191 - 194, 2019/04



Waste management in a Hot Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 1; Overview and activities in chemical processing facility

野村 和則; 小木 浩通*; 中原 将海; 渡部 創; 柴田 淳広

International Journal of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (Internet), 13(5), p.209 - 212, 2019/00

Chemical Processing Facility of Japan Atomic Energy Agency is a basic research field for advanced back-end technology developments with using actual high-level radioactive materials. Most of them were treated properly and stored in the liquid waste vessel, but some were not treated and remained at the experimental space as a kind of legacy nuclear waste, which we must treat in safety and dispose if we continue research activities in the facility. Under this circumstance, we launched a collaborative research project called the STRAD project, which stands for Systematic Treatment of Radioactive liquid waste for Decommissioning, in order to develop the treatment processes for wastes of the nuclear research facility. In this project, decomposition methods of certain chemicals, which have been directly solidified without safety pretreatment but may cause a troublesome phenomenon, is developing and a prospect that it will be able to decompose in the facility by simple method. And solidification of aqueous or organic liquid wastes after the decomposition has been studied by adding cement or coagulants. Furthermore, we treated experimental tools of various materials with making an effort to stabilize and to compact them before the package into the waste container. It is expected to decrease the number of transportation of the solid waste and widen the operation space. The project is expected to contribute beneficial waste management outcome that can be shared world widely.


Am, Cm recovery from genuine HLLW by extraction chromatography

渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 小藤 博英; 竹内 正行; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 316(3), p.1113 - 1117, 2018/06

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:66.73(Chemistry, Analytical)

Am(III) and Cm(III) recovery experiments with the extraction chromatography technology were carried out on genuine HLLW obtained by reprocessing of the Fast Reactor fuel. Modification of the flow-sheet with 2 steps column operations using CMPO/SiO$$_{2}$$-P and HDEHP/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbents achieved more than 90% recovery yields for Am(III) and Cm(III) with decontamination factor of 1000 for Eu(III). This is a significant progress in development of the technology for the implementation.


Partitioning of plutonium by acid split method with dissolver solution derived from irradiated fast reactor fuel with high concentration of plutonium

中原 将海; 佐野 雄一; 野村 和則; 竹内 正行

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 51(3), p.237 - 242, 2018/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:8.32(Engineering, Chemical)



Effect of flowing water on Sr sorption changes of hydrous sodium titanate

高畠 容子; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; 佐藤 努*

Minerals (Internet), 7(12), p.247_1 - 247_13, 2017/12

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:44.12(Geochemistry & Geophysics)



Micro-PIXE analysis on adsorbent of extraction chromatography for MA(III) recovery

高畠 容子; 渡部 創; 小藤 博英; 竹内 正行; 野村 和則; 佐藤 隆博*

International Journal of PIXE, 26(3&4), p.73 - 83, 2017/09




Research of process to treat the radioactive liquid waste containing chloride ion generated by pyroprocessing plant in operating

多田 康平; 北脇 慎一; 渡部 創; 粟飯原 はるか; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference (GLOBAL 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 3 Pages, 2017/09

塩化物イオン(Cl)を含む放射性廃液は、乾式再処理のプロセス制御における化学分析によって生成される。この廃液を海洋に排出するためには、Clを分離してU, Puを回収する必要がある。本研究では、AgCl沈殿法と抽出クロマトグラフィー法を組み合わせてClを分離し、U, Puを回収した。沈殿試験の結果、UおよびPuが試験後に共沈しないことが分かった。固相抽出試験の結果、95%のPuが液体廃棄物から回収されたことがわかった。Uの濃度が十分でないため、Uについての$$alpha$$放射能を分析することは困難であった。これらの結果は、これらのプロセスが廃液を海に排出する可能性を有することを示した。


Control of fine particles accumulation in the extraction chromatography column system for minor actinide recovery

渡部 創; 後藤 一郎; 佐野 雄一; 野村 和則; 駒 義和

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/04

Clogging of the extraction chromatography column caused by inflow of insoluble residue into the bed possible to lead accumulation of decay heat and explosive gas inside the bed. Behavior of small particle is necessary to be investigated to prevent hazardous events. In this study, influence of fine particles contained in the feed solution on the clogging and on separation performance of the bed were evaluated by laboratory scale experiments. Discharging operation of the simulated particles from the bed was experimentally demonstrated using an engineering scale system. The particles were accumulated on top of the bed and hardly come inside the bed. Backwashing operation was effective to discharge a part of the accumulated powder. Supplying water into the column with normal flow rate condition was possible after the short time backwashing operation. Backwashing with cold water as a normal operation must be one of the most appropriate countermeasures for preventing from the clogging.



浅見 誠*; 高畠 容子; 明道 栄人; 飛田 剛志; 小林 究; 早川 美彩; 薄井 由香; 綿引 博美; 柴田 淳広; 野村 和則; et al.

JAEA-Data/Code 2017-001, 78 Pages, 2017/03


東京電力ホールディングス(東京電力)福島第一原子力発電所において採取された汚染水(滞留水, 処理水)、汚染水処理二次廃棄物、瓦礫、土壌が分析され、放射性核種濃度等の分析データが報告されている。そこで、東京電力, 日本原子力研究開発機構, 国際廃炉研究開発機構により2016年3月末までに公開されたデータを収集し、データ集としてとりまとめた。また分析試料についての情報、分析により得られた放射性核種濃度等の値を表としてまとめるとともに、主な放射性核種濃度の時間変化を表す図を作成して収録した。電子情報として英訳と収録した分析データを提供する。


Flow-sheet study of MA recovery by extraction chromatography for SmART cycle project

渡部 創; 野村 和則; 北脇 慎一; 柴田 淳広; 小藤 博英; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行

Procedia Chemistry, 21, p.101 - 108, 2016/12


 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:99.08(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Optimization in a flow-sheet of the extraction chromatography process for minor actinides (MA(III); Am and Cm) recovery from high level liquid waste (HLLW) were carried out through batch-wise adsorption/elution experiments on diluted HLLW and column separation experiments on genuine HLLW. Separation experiments using CMPO/SiO$$_{2}$$-P and HDEHP/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbent columns with an improved flow-sheet successfully achieved more than 70 % recovery yields of MA(III) with decontamination factors of Ln(III) $$>$$ 10$$^{3}$$, and a modified flow-sheet for less contamination with fission products was proposed consequently. These results will contribute to MA(III) recovery operations for SmART Cycle project in Japan Atomic Energy Agency which is planned to demonstrates FR fuel cycle with more than 1g of Am.

201 件中 1件目~20件目を表示