Comprehensive treatment of radioactive liquid waste of Chemical Processing Facility
小木 浩通*; 荒井 陽一 ; 粟飯原 はるか ; 渡部 創 ; 柴田 淳広 ; 野村 和則
Ogi, Hiromichi*; Arai, Yoichi; Aihara, Haruka; Watanabe, So; Shibata, Atsuhiro; Nomura, Kazunori
放射性物質取扱施設である高レベル放射性物質研究施設(CPF: Chemical Processing Facility)では、過去の試験や分析で発生した多種の廃液をホットセル及びグローブボックス内で保管してきた。2015年7月より、保管されている放射性廃液について、管理方法の適正化を図るべく、実廃液の安定化処理を進めている。また、分析廃液等の多種多様な試薬が混在する廃液については安定化処理が非常に困難であるため、大学等と共同でSTRAD(Systematic Treatments of Radioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning)プロジェクトを発足させ、処理技術の研究開発を進めている。これらの実績は、他の放射性物質取り扱い施設においても保管する廃液の処理をより効率的かつ安全に進められることが期待できる。本書は、CPFで安定化処理を実施した実廃液の処理方法及び処理状況に関して報告するものである。
Chemical Processing Facility (CPF) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing the fast reactor fuel reprocessing and vitrification technology. The various kinds of radioactive liquid wastes, which were generated by those experiments and analysis, stored in the hot cells and glove boxes of CPF. The treatment of radioactive liquid wastes were started since July 2015; however, treatment of several kinds of liquid wastes are revealed to be difficult due to contain the various hazardous chemicals. Therefore, in order to establish the new technology suitable for radioactive liquid waste treatment, several collaborative research programs with several universities and national research organizations were started. The combined project lead by JAEA was named to be STRAD (Systematic Treatments of Radioactive liquid wastes for Decommissioning) project. In this project, the process flow for treatment of several actual liquid wastes were established. In this report, treated method and progress of actual liquid wastes of CPF are summarized.