※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of protective net using high strength lightweight aramid for tornado missile

相澤 康介 ; 石丸 卓; 前田 茂貴   ; 岡田 泰一*; 松井 宏之*; 熊谷 幸博*; 井坂 慎吾*

Aizawa, Kosuke; Ishimaru, Masaru; Maeda, Shigetaka; Okada, Taiichi*; Matsui, Hiroyuki*; Kumagai, Yukihiro*; Isaka, Shingo*


The protective nets against the tornado missile are important for power plant equipment. Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed the protective net using aramid fiber rope to aim high strength lightweight net. The net element tests and analyses were conducted to clarify the characteristic of the protective net using aramid fiber rope. The actual size net was designed based on the results of net element tests and analyses. The dynamic analysis which simulates a car crash on the designed actual size net was conducted. From the result of the dynamic analysis, it was confirmed that the protective net using aramid fiber rope has a possibility to withstand the car crash. In addition, the fire resistance test and the resistance to weather of the aramid fiber rope were conducted. The results showed that the aramid fiber rope has high performance for firing resistance and weather resistance.



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