※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Application to the calculation of detector response function

平田 悠歩   

Hirata, Yuho


Detectors such as scintillators show a decrease in sensitivity to high-energy charged particles, however, conventional radiation behavior calculation codes cannot accurately reproduce these decreases. We focused on the concentration of energy applied to minute regions related to sensitivity reduction and developed a model that predicts the response function of the detector using PHITS. In this presentation, we introduce a method to predict the response of a detector by calculating the energy deposition density using the microdosimetry function implemented in PHITS. We measured the response of the radiation-induced phosphor BaFBr:Eu used as a detector to high-energy charged particles and calculated the energy deposition density by PHITS. We have developed a method to calculate the luminescence efficiency by combining the calculated energy deposition density and the response to gamma-ray irradiation and succeeded in reproducing the measured value of the luminescence efficiency of BaFBr:Eu for high-energy charged particles. We will develop a method for theoretically predicting the response of phosphors using the track structure analysis mode of PHITS.



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