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PHITSの医学物理計算への応用; RT-PHITS

Medical application of PHITS; RT-PHITS

古田 琢哉   

Furuta, Takuya

医学物理には、情報システム間で医用画像や診療データ等の医療情報を通信・共有する目的でDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)と呼ばれる国際標準規格が存在する。PHITSでも、このDICOM規格で用意されたデータを読み込み、自動でシミュレーション体系の構築や線源の設定を実行できるシステムがあれば、誰でも容易に放射線治療等の医学物理計算が実施できる。この目的のため、ユーザー支援プログラムパッケージRadioTherapy package based on PHITS (RT-PHITS)を開発した。本発表では、このシステムを用いた医学物理計算の応用例について紹介する。さらに、ユーザーの利便性の向上を目指して開発中のGUIについてもデモを行う。

In medical physics, there is an international standard called Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) to commute/share medical information such as medical images and treatment records among different medical systems. By creating a system which can construct simulation geometry and radiation source automatically from the DICOM data, medical physics applications such as radiation therapy simulation by PHITS becomes possible for anyone. The user-support program package, RadioTherapy package based on PHITS (RT-PHITS), has been created for this purpose. In this presentation, some applications to medical physics by this system will be shown. In addition, demonstration of GUI which is under development to improve further convenience of users will be also given.



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