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Report No.

Development of the desalting method for gross alpha activity determination (Contract research)

Koike, Yuko; Yamada, Ryohei  ; Nagaoka, Mika  ; Nakano, Masanao ; Ono, Yosuke; Suitsu, Yuichi

In the Analyzed Liquid Treatment Facility of Japan Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd. (JNFL) MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant (J-MOX), the interfere by salts with the analysis of gross alpha activity concentration analysis will be caused during the treatment process. Therefore, JNFL devised the desalting method using a solid-phase extraction chromatography. Japan Atomic Energy Agency carried out the experimental study to confirm the validity of this desalting method for the treatment liquid based on the contract with JNFL. This study consists of three experiments as follows: Step 1 - Selection of an optical solid-phase extraction agent, Step 2 - Evaluation of variation optical solid-phase extraction agent, and Step 3 - Application of the imitation liquid waste. The result of Step 1 determined the solid-phase extraction agent (InertSep ME-2) and the optimum condition (aspiration method by manifold (about 5-10 mL/min), 3M nitric acid as eluent, pH: 5, and no adjustment of ionic valence). Then, the result of Step 2 and 3 made sure the validation of this method by obtaining over 70% recovery for the imitation liquid waste sample of the Analyzed Liquid Treatment Facility of J-MOX.



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