※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Progress in conceptual design of a pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor in Japan


加藤 篤志 ; 久保 重信 ; 近澤 佳隆  ; 宮川 高行*; 内田 昌人*; 鈴野 哲司*; 遠藤 淳二*; 久保 幸士*; 村上 久友*; 鵜澤 将行*; 市川 健太*; 清水 亮*

Kato, Atsushi; Kubo, Shigenobu; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Miyagawa, Takayuki*; Uchita, Masato*; Suzuno, Tetsuji*; Endo, Junji*; Kubo, Koji*; Murakami, Hisatomo*; Uzawa, Masayuki*; Ichikawa, Kenta*; Shimizu, Ryo*


The authors are carrying out conceptual design studies for a pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor. There are main challenges such as measures against severe earthquake in Japan, thermal hydraulic in a reactor vessel (RV), a decay heat removal system design. When the JP-pool SFR of 650 MWe is installed in Japan, it shall be designed against the severe seismic conditions. Additionally, a newly three-dimensional seismic isolation system is under development.



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