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Data collection and predictive analysis of volcanic dykes distribution

川村 淳; Jia, H.*; 小泉 由起子*; 丹羽 正和   ; 梅田 浩司*

Kawamura, Makoto; Jia, H.*; Koizumi, Yukiko*; Niwa, Masakazu; Umeda, Koji*


One of the issues related to volcanic and igneous activities in the safety assessment of geological disposal of HLW is the sophistication of technology for grasping the range of influence of magma. To address this issue, it is necessary to accumulate data, especially when the dike extends over a radius of 15 km from the center of the Quaternary volcano. However, it is practically difficult to grasp the distribution of the conduits underlying the existing volcanic bodies and the dikes derived from them. In field geological surveys, small outcrops with intrusive dikes may be found even in places away from Quaternary volcanoes. Whether such dikes are associated with nearby Quaternary volcanoes is important in assessing the extent of the dikes. We extracted "dike" from the geological map width published by the AIST, and tried to evaluate its relevance to the surrounding Quaternary volcanoes. As a preliminary study, we used Daisen, a Quaternary volcano in the Chugoku region. The distribution of dikes is digitally traced, GIS data is created and organized on a white map, and then "position (latitude / longitude)", "size (major axis / minor axis, etc.)", "era", "rock type", "dike intrusion stratum name, era" and "nearest volcano name, distance from crater" were extracted. As a result, 151 volcanic dykes were extracted. The dikes associated with Quaternary volcanoes are limited to new Daisen volcanic ejecta (parasitic volcanoes), and their distribution is also limited to the Daisen volcano. All dikes located far from the volcano are determined to have been formed before the Neogene. Some of them are lava, but some are deep-seated rocks such as dolerite and diorite. A relatively large number of pre-Neogene dikes show a lenticular distribution morphology, and the dikes of acid rocks are the main constituents. This suggests that dikes formed deeper than the Quaternary became visible on the surface due to denudation.



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