5万分の1地質図幅「池田」の出版; 世界第一級の大断層「中央構造線」が走る"阿波池田"地域の地質
1:50,000 Quadrangle Geological Map of "Ikeda"; The Geology of the area where a world-class fault system runs
野田 篤*; 宮崎 一博*; 水野 清秀*; 長田 充弘

Noda, Atsushi*; Miyazaki, Kazuhiro*; Mizuno, Kiyohide*; Nagata, Mitsuhiro
This paper is a brief explanation of the 1:50,000 Quadrangle Geological Map of "Ikeda". The geology of the Ikeda district which is located in the northern part of Shikoku, is divided into basement Late Cretaceous plutonic, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and covering Post-Miocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks. This area is known for the distribution of the Median Tectonic Line, which is the major geological fault in Japan. This map is not only geologically important, but also important from a disaster prevention perspective.